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Web Servers and Clusters
Web servers and Clusters Administration
There are three factors equally essential for the good operation of any web server – hardware, software and administration. A professional administrator is of no less importance than reliable hardware or software.

High Load Solutions Inc will manage to squeeze the most possible performance from the given server configuration, adjust the components, suggest up-to-date engineering achievements and prevent failures for the customer to forget about technical issues and concentrate on creativeness. Our administrators will prevent possible problems and avoid likely incidents before they seriously affect the operation of the webserver and thus your internet business.
The open source technologies allow us to maintain and administer projects of different complexity levels, including high-loaded projects requiring clustering, database replication, load balancing, and distributed memory caching.
For the best performance and availability of a web resource we use clustering that spreads the load across multiple physical servers, or nodes, decreasing the chances of one server to fail.
Using scalability of modern technologies, High Load Solutions Inc specialists will design and maintain a server configuration of any scale for your business needs.
High Load Solutions Inc relies on proven solutions based on open source technologies like LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP).

Industries we innovate

Social Network Applications
Online Chats
Users Data Processing
Multi-user Communication Platforms