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HTML5/CSS3 Development
HTML5/CSS3 development
HTML5 standard includes proper HTML, CSS and JavaScript and helps developers to create websites and applications which are compatible with all browser programs. When building HTML5 resources we use time-proven methodologies of development. Our expertise allows us to get the most from HTML5 for creating outstanding web solutions.
Advantages of using HTML5 Standard
Well-structured code
Easy-to-use web browsing navigation
New features in dealing with video files
Easy rendering of complex graphics and animation
Geo-positioning services
Convenient and user-friendly drag & drop
Games development
Development of mobile applications
High Load Solutions Inc offers our experience in the improvement of existing HTML/CSS code by analysing it, pinpointing bottlenecks in loading most visited pages and many more. We are also capable of expanding the functionality of your websites by introducing HTML5 features, such as drag&drop editing, user interface, interactive charts, multimedia components.

Industries we innovate

Social Network Applications
Online Chats
Users Data Processing
Multi-user Communication Platforms